
Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies
The Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies is a scholarly peer-reviewed, open access, online journal covering all aspects of Buddhist studies. 

CJBS News Blog
The CJBS News Blog is a complementary digital channel to the Journal’s website. While it focuses on a Canadian context, CJBS News Blog is an inclusive platform which welcome all graduate students’ research interests and experiences.

The Dhammaloka Project
“Rethinking early western Buddhists, plebeian and beachcomber bhikkhus, and the hidden history of Buddhism and Ireland.” This website showcases some of the findings from these various research projects. It includes material directly related to the search for U Dhammalokaalong with research on the broader issue of early western Buddhists in Asia and work on the history of Buddhism and Ireland. 

International Research Symposium Proceedings
International Symposium (Proceedings) records the presentations and discussions held at International Research Symposiums organized by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. 

Secularisms and the Formations of Religion In Asia Conference
IIAS focuses on research topics related to its three broad thematic clusters: Asian Cities, Asian Heritages, and Global Asia. IIAS strives to maintain a balance between the humanities and social sciences, and between ‘full-blooded’ science and ‘science for society’.